Thursday 19 April 2012

Lustre Voice

On this blog l will continually provide my personal analysis of the political environment Zimbabwe and Africa in general, pertaining issues that affect the youths and the general populace. We are living in the age where political violence is becoming dominant and there is an urgent need for human development in terms of problem solving in conflict affected areas. Politicians have gone the way in taking advantage of situations to gunner political support for their own personal mileage. Where are we then going as a nation and as a continent if the very same people whom people put their trust are the very same people who betray their constituency. The youths of today follow and support political parties religiously but at at the end they become victims if not perpetrators of political violence. We are living in a world in which politics has become ' commercial politics'. A world in which aspiring politicians do anything for their own political mileage and those already in the corridors of power do anything so as to remain in power.  The objective of politics is to deliver beneficial results to the people and not to traumatize the people.

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